Active Campaign Automation Basics

With ActiveCampaign’s automation tool, your life as a marketer will be a breeze.

As a marketer or business owner, you’ll constantly be using webinars and landing pages to promote new products, services or simply to keep in touch with your current customers. You usually want quick access to these tools on the go, but they can require mounds of time just for setup. That’s where marketing automation comes in. With ActiveCampaign’s automation tool, your life as a marketer will be a breeze.

The Basics of ActiveCampaign Automation

ActiveCampaign automation is a powerful tool that is all about delivering content to your audience (personalized messages via email campaign, SMS messages, etc.), based on actions they take. An automation can read what people do in your app (how many times they open it, what links they click) and then deliver the right message to right email list at the right time.

It’s like magic! Well not really, but it does require a few more pieces to make it work. This article will break down how automations read actions and deliver messages.

First things first, what happens when someone opens an automation? When people open an automation they are seen in the Automation view within your ActiveCampaign app. They show up in the top left with a blue dot next to their name, and the number of times they have opened. This is how you can tell if an automation has been delivered to them, or not. If someone’s name doesn’t show up in the list after they open your app it means that either they aren’t assigned to any campaigns or they haven’t opened any campaigns yet.

Campaigns and automations can be assigned to people when you add them as subscribers to your list, or after they have become a subscriber. You might choose to add someone to an automation while they are already on your list using the [add_to_campaign] Shortcode [Automation] [Add To Campaign] . Or maybe you’ve sent someone to a landing page which has an embedded form, when they submit the form ActiveCampaign can add them to your automation.

Getting back to the top left of the Automation view in your app, people will show up in one list based on how many times they have opened an automation. If someone has opened an automation once, they will show up in the one list. If they have opened it three times, they will show up in the three list and so on. From this list you can really get a feel for how your automations are performing over time. You will want to take note of when someone opens an automation and then what your automation does based on that action.

When you create an ActiveCampaign automation you will be presented with a setup wizard to help you get started. It’s really straightforward, but let’s break it down so we can cover all our bases before starting to build your first automation.

When building an automation, you will be asked what Type of Automation it is.

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